How employee can claim wage subsidy from SOCSO under PSU 4.0?

The government has disbursed RM15.67 billion under the Wage Subsidy Programme (PSU), which has benefited 2.74 million employees and 333,533 employers in the country.
Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) chief executive officer (CEO) Datuk Seri Dr Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed said all sectors had benefited from the programme, starting from PSU 1.0 to PSU 3.0.
Following the announcement of PSU 4.0, the total allocation for the programme is expected to grow to RM15.82 billion, he told a press conference today.
Applications for PSU 4.0 will be opened from Aug 1 to Oct 30, 2021, with disbursements from November 2021 to February 2022. Once it is approved, they will receive a wage subsidy of RM600 for employees earning below RM4,000 each month. In addition, the wage subsidy limit of 200 employees for each employer has been increased to 500 employees.
What are the financial incentives under PSU 4.0?
PSU 4.0 starting from 1 August 2021, for a period of 4 months. Under this initiative:
- The first 2 months is open for all sectors
- The remaining 2 months is specifically only for sectors that are under a negative list at that time
- Open for all employees earning more than RM4,000 a month
Who are not qualified for wage subsidy PSU 4.0?
- Employers and employees who have not registered or contributed with SOCSO before 1 January 2021;
- Employer or company that registers SSM/ROS/ROB/PBT or other establishments and operating on or after 1 January 2021;
- Employers who have not registered with the Inland Revenue Board;
- Employers who are not from the tourism and retail sectors except employers operating in states involved with PKP;
- Employees who have been laid off;
- Employees currently employed under the Generator Incentive program Career (Hiring Incentive);
- Public sector employees, federal and state statutory bodies, all statutory body remunerated remuneration, Local Authority (PBT) and those who are self-employed (have no employer);
- Foreign workers and expatriates; and
- Employers who withdraw from PSU 4.0 application after their application was approved by SOCSO
How to apply for wage subsidy PSU 4.0?
Each application must be submitted online. Do take note that applications must be done by the employer on behalf of the employee involved. Your employer is responsible for distributing the RM600 payment.
Your employer must submit a complete application through and attached the mandatory documents:
- List of employee names (according to enterprise size eligibility limit);
- Employer’s bank account information (copy of the front page of bank statement only);
- Business Registration Number (BRN) information registered by the employer during the bank account opening. Do ensure BRN No and Account No is accurate to avoid any inconvenience;
- Copy of registration of SSM / ROS / ROB / PBT or other organizations;
- PSU 4.0 Declaration; and
- For enterprises of 76 employees and above shall submit supporting documents such as financial statements or sales report that has been verified by management or other related documents
The PSU 4.0 applications will start from 1 August 2021.
Employees can check the list of employers’ names that have been approved for PSU applications on the SOCSO website.