Security Access Card For Card Security Issues
The development of IT in Malaysia have brought a pros and cons at the same time. Now days, the world be moving at fingertips which surely enables access, payment and monetary transfers. Information leaks and identify theft be realized due to the many Security access card duplication be done.
Unfortunately, it is quite easy to clone certain access control and identity cards these days. With brazen offers of illegal cloning and card spoofing technology online, many organisations (especially larger and more security conscious ones) becoming more aware and wary of these potential problems.

Security Issue For Security Access Card
Sometimes certain security access cards or banking card are hacked. Contact less memory cards mostly is one of the common things related regarding this issue.
Memory cards is one of the common things that under the threat of security access card duplication. This is due to the way it be operate and how the control access be secured. Data can be easily read and copy into memory card. This situation is similarly as a USB which enable user to copy and also store data from a lot of devices such as computer.
The Weakness of Security Access Card
Security Access Card for offices and home is much more easier to be made as an access card duplication rather than any other card such as transportation card or banking card. This is because most of the access controllers will simply read the chip serial number(CSN) and wait for the granted access list before opening the door, without looking at any other related information inside the memory card.
Although CSN can be easily copy with any security access card duplication device but still it become more threat to the security card issued. Many organization choose to used this kinds of method due to the CSN characteristic that cannot be easily changed and can be process faster than others. However, it also can be a high risk towards organization due to the many security access card duplication activities be done.
Therefore, many different ways in solving security card issue in around the world be introduces in order to make the right security access card duplication and neutralization services for every year.
Safer Smart Card for Security Access Card
Safer Smart cards be created in special attributes which can be only known by an access card reader and the card itself. It can be only communicate after verifying each other through the special attributes. This will make this smart card much more lower risk of access card duplication.
Increasing the threats can be also be determined by the changing of the environment in development of IT. Although the attacks that were seldom be done in the past have now become easier and more common. This surely can be said that duplicate security card access is increasing from time to time.
Why Our Security Access Card is The Best
The best way for the company to realized on solving and protecting their security access by changing their strategy and complement unsafe security access card. Now it is the time for them to see the risk of access card duplication which become much more easier than before. So that they can really understood by looking the situation and making an analysis regarding this problems.
The information can leak through the weakest spot no matter how high the other areas keep their level of security. Even if a company builds a great wall of security, their general security level can be considered low as long as they have a vulnerable spot in their system.
Therefore, every company need to spend a lot of money in order to adopt effective security solutions and protect their valuable assets. The effort and cost they’ve paid is basically meaningless once someone duplicates an security access card to come into the office and leak all their important information. This is why company must continuously check current security issues and threats and to work on prevention.
Pricing For Access Card
Smart Touch Technology “STT” is software, hardware & consultancy company. “STT” is specialized in the field of software development, system integration, implementation, systems support, and marketing of “STT” applications in one single database solution. “STT” has developed programs such as SmarTime (Time & Attendance Systems), Job Costing System, Leave Management System, ID Badges Card System, Security & Access Control System and Visitor Management System.
“STT” is involved in installing numerous systems in both Singapore & Malaysia. “STT” software applications come with standard or customized (according to customers’ specifiction) solutions. The objective of the software design is to offer a flexible user-friendly software that is easy to implement, modify and upgrade.
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Contact Us for more info about Access Card
We specialized in smart systems such as Payroll for both Singapore and Malaysia, Time and Attendance Management System (TMS) which able to integrated with variety of Biometrics Devices including Fingerprint, facial and handpunch. We also provide latest BCA EPSS Biometrics Authentication System (BAS) for Singapore BCA ePSS Submission. Others system including, Access Control Solutions, Project Costing Solutions, HR Solutions, Worker Dormitory System, Hostel Billing Managment System, Visitor Management System (VMS), and Cloud based Time Attendance System for multi-chain solutions.
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