What is Domitory System

Dashboard view the count of total residents, home leave , total beds, vacant beds, reserved beds, occupied beds and also with detailed chart for the nationality chart & beds chart and also display the alerts for the work permit & passport expired users. Manage Residents Management with their detailed information. Booking management to book the beds in the dormitory with graphical view. Dormitory reports generate different types of reports like Dormitory List , Nationality List Report , Master List Report, Work Permit Expired Report, Passport Expired Report etc. Admin management can mange admin users, roles, terminate users, bulk import residence, checkout residents etc.,



A dormitory system for workers is designed to provide safe, comfortable, and efficient living accommodations. The system incorporates several features to ensure smooth management and enhance the overall well-being of the occupants. Here’s an overview of the key features

Room Management Security
Room Assignment The system allows administrators to assign rooms to workers based on specific criteria such as gender, job role, or special requirements. Access Control Use access cards or biometric systems (such as fingerprint or access card) to ensure only authorized occupants can access the dormitory areas.
Capacity Management Set a maximum number of occupants per room to ensure comfort and compliance with safety regulations.
Room Exchange Facilitate the process of room changes if needed, whether by the request of the occupants or operational requirements.

Ease of management dormitory system

Detailed Description and List of Facilities Provided for Staff, Person-in-Charge (PIC), and HR in Managing a Dormitory System.

Facilities for Staff Facilities for Person-in-Charge (PIC) Facilities for HR
Occupant Portal Access to information about dormitory rules, activity schedules, and important announcements Room Assignment and Changes Tools to easily assign and manage room changes. Occupant Records Tools to store and manage occupant information, including personal details and room status.
Room Information Access to room details, including equipment and inventory lists. Occupant Tracking System to monitor occupant status, including check-ins and check-outs. Accommodation Requests System to manage accommodation requests and approvals
Maintenance Reporting Facility to report any damage or maintenance issues through a portal or app. Cleaning Schedule Tools to set and monitor regular cleaning schedules. Occupancy Rate Reports Data on occupancy rates and room usage
Room Change Requests System to request room changes online Maintenance Reporting System to receive and manage maintenance reports from occupants. Occupant Satisfaction Reports Reports based on occupant feedback and satisfaction surveys.
Room Usage Reports Reports on room usage and occupancy rates. Safety Records Storage and management of safety incident records