Smart Touch Time Management System(TMS) replaces the conventional punch card device into a user friendly computerized system. TMS effectively helps the organization to manage their workforce as huge as 50,000 employees. TMS will automate and greatly reduced especially Human Resource Department. TMS works with varieties of Attendance devices such as FingerPrint, Touch & Go Card, Handpunch or even Door Access to capture In/Out clocking, lateness and overtime. TMS has the ability to intergrate with many subs system such as Badge Card Printing System, Leave Management System, Job Costing System, MyKad Aunthentication, Cafeteria System, Transportation System, Hostel Management and netherless with Third Party Plug-In. With this advance technology, TMS can be widely use as a solution package in the market regardless of industries.

Software Features : Working Shift

- Supports unlimited different working patterns
- Supports unlimited duty roster
- Supports unlimited Auto-shift feature (System auto-assign working hours )
- Supports Flexible working hours feature
- Supports Glober Scheduling working hours group feature
- Supports Individual employee assignment of working hours group
- Spports User friendly parameter settings
Overtime :
- Support normal OT1.0, OT1.5 and OT 2.0 rate, and OT 3.0 rate, Flat rate OT
- Support minimum & maximum OT hours ceiling feature
- Support different OT rate after mid night work feature
- Support dinner Break deductions
- Support early OT calculation, Overtime prior to the Scheduled shift time
- Support oFF Set Overtime, OT adjusted against the lateness
- Support rounding OT hours, to Control OT interval

Daily Allowances
- Supports attendance, transport, meal, shift, health and other kind of allowances
- Support penaly and allowances deduction by many different criteria
- Supports daily and monthly allowances computation
- Supports weekday, weekend and public holiday computation
- Supports parameter settings
- Supports allowance updating  feature

Utility :
- Support Access Level : Different user different access control.
- Support Audit trial : Tracking and view the changes done by other users.
- Support Global update :Updating the timings or remarks by batch.
- Support Payroll interface:Interface with 3rd party payroll system
- Support housekeeping  : Deleting older records, backup and restore feature.
TMS Reports :
Daily attendance report | Staff details (IN, OUT, late, overtime, leave taken, REST days, allowance) |
Individual attendance report | whole month details (IN, OUT, late, overtime, leave taken, REST days, allowance) |
Consolidated reports | Consolidates 4 report including  Late comers, Early Leavers, Absents & missed out punching |
Lateness summary report | Only shows the late comers on that selected date |
Performance Report | Monthly & Yearly wise employee late hour, Â late, Absent, Unpaid leave taken, Medical leave taken. |
Hours Rate summary report | Prepare for payroll calculation for hourly rate worker |
Attendance Ratio Report | Number of % employee present on every day and attendance ratio . |
Reason Report | Reports based on the particular reasons |
Exception report | To show over 50 Reports for exceptional cases. |
Movement report | To show multi clocking record , movement of an employee |
Leave taken summary | No. of days and leave taken for every staffs. It shows the Leave taken, Balance of Annual & Medical Leaves |
Leave Consolidate | Consolidate total number of leave taken for every employee |
Working Summary Report | Summary Overtime and all allowance , deduction, no pay leave interface to payroll calulation |