Top 5 Common Challenges Faced by Human Resource in Malaysia

Top 5 Common Challenges Faced by Human Resource in Malaysia

Nowadays there are numerous challenges faced by the human resource professional in demanding and fast paced work environment. This is due to many important deals human resource department need to take care in order to give best service to all satff following rules and regulation in Malaysia. The key to all these challenges is to stay abreast of what is happening globally. This is not that difficult to do because with the advent of internet connectivity, the whole world is really a global village.

The Human resource function has been changing over the years. More businesses are realigning the role of HR so they can best manage and grow their company cost effectively. Some companies have decided that it’s best to outsource some functions to third parties so that internal resources can focus more time on strategic issues. It’s safe to say that companies today are constantly examining their Human resource function with a goal of figuring out best practices and best allocation of time.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulation

Keeping up with changing employment laws is a struggle for business owners. Many choose to ignore employment laws, believing they don’t apply to their business. But doing so could mean audits, lawsuits, and possibly even the demise of your company. No matter how large or small your business, it’s important to make sure you’re in compliance with local, state, and federal labor laws. There are regulations on everything from hiring practices, to wage payment, to workplace safety.

2. Leadership Development

The workforce is aging quickly, leading many Human Resource teams to consider putting formal succession plans in place and to begin more emphasis on developing future leaders. As companies grow and expand, developing leaders has become a major initiative. Successful companies that work on leadership development will also make strides with better employee retention.

Employees repeatedly say that poor leadership as a reason for leaving jobs. They also want a more active leadership role in decisions within their jobs, which may necessitate training. Unfortunately, businesses sometimes struggle to come up with the budgets necessary for strong employee training and development programs that emphasize leadership and growth.

3. Embracing and Managing Technology for Human Resource

Technology is constantly changing. Businesses must be quick to adapt, or risk being left in the dust by their competitors. The challenge for small business owners is getting employees to embrace innovation and learn new technology. Communication is critical. With any change, make sure your team understands the why, when, and how. Set clear goals for the adoption of initiatives, and provide employees with the training they need to get comfortable with it.

4. Fostering a culture of continuous learning

Human resources plays an active role in the development of an organizational culture. Increased diversity contributes to the challenge of building a cohesive culture. While people from different backgrounds bring fresh ideas and perspectives, differences also contribute to the prevalence of conflict. Cultural variance in values and rituals affects the abilities of employees to find commonality, which is important to communication. Cross-cultural teams and diversity management are tools used by HR to positively impact a diverse workplace.

5. Recruiting Talented Employees

Human Resources today have to find new methods to attract talent through social media, postings on job boards and even other traditional methods such as attending job fairs and sending out promotional mailings to generate interest. The new generation employees are looking for jobs that provide a balance between employment and family, and desire autonomy and the ability to make a difference within the organization. 

Human resource are well advised to search for diversity that can generate new ideas, better productivity and a sense of equality that builds teamwork. Lack of technical talent has made it difficult for companies to fill specialized positions. Even during periods of high unemployment, technical and technology-driven companies find a shortage of employees with the training and competencies to perform in niche jobs.

Attracting talent is a huge investment of time and money. It’s difficult for entrepreneurs to balance between keeping a business running, and hiring the right people at the right time. In addition, it’s impossible to know whether a candidate will actually be a good fit until they’ve worked for you for a period of time.

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